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My name is Chris Galle and I am a 3D Generalist that specialises in 3D Modeling and Animation. I have spent 7 years studying Games and Animation and have spent 8 months working within the industry and currently looking for more opportunities. I have experience in Unreal Engine 5, Unity 4-5, Autodesk Maya, Mudbox, Zbrush, Premiere, and After Effects, and I am currently learning Blender.

From early in my childhood I have always struggled with what kind of career I should be pursuing. Throughout my schooling, I tested the waters on a few different paths but nothing quite felt right. As a kid who sat around playing video games and watching a probably unhealthy amount of TV, I figured that I needed to work somewhere in the entertainment industry. Everything looked so much more fun and exciting than anything else and I knew I wanted to be a part of it. Throughout my tertiary studies, I found my strengths in 3D software and have refined my ability, and dived head-first into the medium. I have created all sorts of models ranging from realistic to stylised toon, and animated characters and objects for a number of different projects. I look forward to one day working as part of a larger team making something really cool come to life.